E228 - Dr. Enrique Mundaca - Two Dreams to Say Goodbye and Open the Mind

Dr. Enrique A. Mundaca is a Biologist graduated from the University of Concepción (Chile), holds a Master of Science in Conservation Biology, and a PhD in Ecology from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand). He has a wide range of research interests including taxonomy and ecology of insects; natural history of marine organisms; sustainability in agricultural ecosystems; agro-biodiversity as cultural heritage; human-nature relationship, and environmental education. On a personal level, he has studied classical and jazz percussion, and has participated as a guest drummer in numerous musical events and radio programmes specialised in jazz. After the passing of his lifetime best friend, Dr. Mundaca had two grief dreams that changed his life profoundly. This opened his mind into new perspectives about death and the process of dying, which has significantly expanded the horizons of his understanding of life.

In this episode we talk with Enrique about being an atheist, his friend’s battle with cancer, the grief after his death, dreams of his deceased friend, and how his dreams changed his grief and his belief about an afterlife.


E229 - Dr. Saul Ebema - God Will Make A Way


E227 - 2023 Grief Dream Recaps